IntelliJ Platform SDK DevGuide

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Publishing a Plugin to a Custom Plugin Repository

如果您打算使用插件存储库_ JetBrains插件存储库,


*在用于自定义存储库的HTTPS Web服务器上创建和维护updatePlugins.xml文件.    此文件描述了自定义存储库中可用的所有插件以及每个插件的下载URL.

*将您的插件JAR/ZIP文件上传到HTTPS Web服务器. 这可以是您用于自定义存储库的同一Web服务器    或者不同的HTTPS Web服务器.

*将自定义存储库的URL添加到JetBrains IDE 存储库设置/首选项.



对于每个托管插件. JetBrains IDE使用updatePlugins.xml中的描述来按属性定位插件

例如id,IDE版本和插件版本. JetBrains IDE显示这些属性,以帮助用户选择或升级插件.

该描述还告诉JetBrains IDE在哪里下载插件本身.


存储库. 如果自定义存储库的使用者使用更多,则可能需要多个updatePlugins.xml文件

比一个版本的JetBrains IDE. 例如,对于IntelliJ IDEA 2018.2和2018.3,分别为updatePlugins-182.xml,updatePlugins-183.xml.

每个updatePlugins - *.xml文件都有一个添加到JetBrains IDE的唯一URL




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- The <plugins> element contains the description of the plugins available at this repository. Required. --> <plugins> <!-- Each <plugin> element describes one plugin in the repository. Required. id - used by JetBrains IDEs to uniquely identify a plugin. Required. Must match <id> in plugin.xml url - path to download the plugin JAR/ZIP file. Required. Must be HTTPS version - version of this plugin. Required. Must match <version> in plugin.xml --> <plugin id="" url="" version="major.minor.update"> <!-- The <idea-version> element must match the same element in plugin.xml. Required. --> <idea-version since-build="181.3" until-build="191.*" /> </plugin> <plugin id="id.of.different.plugin" url="" version="major.minor"> <idea-version since-build="181.3" until-build="191.*" /> </plugin> <plugin> <!-- And so on for other plugins... --> </plugin> </plugins>


  • An updatePlugins.xml file must contain at least one set of <plugin></plugin> elements.
  • A plugin id may be listed only once in an updatePlugins.xml file.
  • Multiple plugins with the same id but different idea-version attributes must be split into separate updatePlugins-*.xml files.


可以在updatePlugins.xml中添加其他元素吗? 是的,但仅在需要时才建议. 额外的元素将有


在插件安装期间,JetBrains IDE读取插件JAR/ZIP文件,然后显示有关插件的更多信息.



安装前? 答案取决于插件和存储库使用者. 以下是候选元素:

Element Effects & Requirements
My Plugin Name
By default the name of the plugin JAR/ZIP file is displayed before installation.
Using the <name> element displays the name of the plugin.
Contents should match the <name> element contents in the plugins’s plugin.xml file to avoid confusion.
My plugin is awesome
By default no description for the plugin is displayed before installation.
Using the <description> element will cause a description to be displayed before installation.
Contents should match the <description> element contents in the plugins’s plugin.xml file to avoid confusion.
Optionally, an enclosing <![CDATA[ ]]> element can be used if the description needs to contain HTML tags.
Added cool feature
By default no change notes for the plugin are displayed before installation.
Using the <change-notes> element will cause a description of changes to be displayed before installation.
Contents should match the <change-notes> element contents in the plugin’s plugin.xml file to avoid confusion.
Optionally, an enclosing <![CDATA[ ]]> element can be used if the change notes need to contain HTML tags.
Last modified: 9 May 2019