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Internal Actions - UI Inspector

_UI Inspector_是一个询问IntelliJ IDEA UI元素的工具,以获取每个元素的内部描述.

在启用_UI Inspector_时,可以通过单击元素以交互方式测试UI元素.

If the menu item Tools | Internal Actions | UI | UI Inspector is not available in IntelliJ IDEA, then the first step is to enable internal mode

Enabling the UI Inspector

Before using the UI Inspector, it must be enabled by selecting the menu item Tools | Internal Actions | UI | UI Inspector. The enabled state of the UI Inspector is modal; it remains enabled until it is disabled by selecting the UI Inspector menu item again.

启用后,_UI Inspector_菜单项会显示一个复选标记.




_UI Inspector_显示图标的内部路径为“Allcons.Actions.Compile”:


Last modified: 9 May 2019